Let Us Work for You
Global Connections is one of the most respected providers of travel and leisure benefits in the industry.
Our power is yours when you sell our unique full service travel club, Global Discovery Vacations, as an independent travel club distributor. With our exclusive turnkey sales process and complete member servicing, we’ve got the talent, the technology and the customized solutions to make your team a success.

Global Discovery Vacations
You market and sell the product and we do the rest!
Let our solid reputation and established dependability do the work for you. When you sell Global Discovery Vacations vacation club, you’re done!
We service the members you’ve sold with an extensive travel club member website, social media bundle and a customer service package to take care of their every need. We provide:
- Comprehensive member website with online booking
- Award-winning, exceptional customer service and inventory fulfillment
- Call centers with real people - we still pick up the phones!
- Social media marketing & chat support
- GCI Distributor Tools program providing digital contracting, credit processing, member financing, custom reporting and anything your distributorship needs to succeed
- In-house development, IT, member marketing, inventory and operations teams

Connect with Customers and Employees In Person or Digitally
We give you the choice: sell in person or conduct business in the modern remote environment. Meet customers and employees where it best compliments you with GCI’s own turnkey sales process:
- Pitch face-to-face in person or online
- Run your sales force from anywhere
- Provide a modern approach for tech-savvy prospects
- Sell year round despite seasonal traffic
- Present webcam functionality with video presentation and on screen graphics

GDV Member
200,000+ Members at a Glance
When you sell Global Discovery Vacations, you are selling a travel dream come true.
Join a successful group of independent travel club distributors across the continental United States and Hawaii promoting twenty-two sales offices. With over 30 years of making travel an affordable reality for families all over the world, you can sell the dream of travel, too!
Ready to take the Next Step?
Contact our Business Development Team
(844) 838-5053 | Partnerships@ExploreGCI.com